Sunday, August 10, 2008

Why do People Making Bad Publicity?

We know that some of the people wants to publish bad publicity!!

It is just a nature? Or a Habit?

Although its true or not they enjoying to do such things..

But they dont know the effect of their publicity to the others..

I have read a collumn on the internet about to the owner of "GSBC"

It says that these person is scum, a thief, a liar, and so many more.

But they have an evidence to prove that these person is guilty to there accusation?? Or they trying to destroy this person because they jealous of the achievement it this person!!

So whats the point of making bad publicity if it is not true?
What is the purpose of this?
Is this a bad habit of people?

I can say to the owner of GSBC and its members.

Just continued of what is your goals.

Because some your making others proud..

Youre giving Job to the Filipino community..

More power and God Bless....

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