Friday, August 22, 2008

Spectrum Blue Steel

I started working in Spectrum Blue Steel last July 27, 2008 as a secretary. I was excited to start my job because I know that the company that I’m going to serve is promoting the biosphere technology to this country. I know that this technology is good because it can help reduce the garbage disposal problem in this country.
Our office is temporary placed in Raya Garden Condominiums. But the management were currently finding a space to build its main office with clean and complete equipment. And our President Mr. Ronald Shane Flynn was very supportive to us! My fellow officemates are friendly, cool, and fun so that you will not be bored if you are working. Even our boss is amazing. After sitting on his chair for a long time doing his entire job, he still finds time to play with us. He’s just making us all comfortable. He wants us to enjoy. What I like most about him is that he never tolerated fights among us. He’s sick of seeing his employees fight. That’s why we have a very healthy work environment.
Although there were many bad publications were posted in the internet about the works of our President Mr. Ronald Shane Flynn, we know the truth! It is because many businessmen were jealous to him. He experienced almost everything in life. He has encountered several bad people wanting his money. Many are destroying his name on the internet. They’re trying to pull him down because they know they can’t fool him. Our boss is smart. They can’t just extort money from him that is why they got mad. They were blinded by money. All they want is money even though they’ll obtain it in a wrong way. My boss received death threats. He left Thailand. Anyone associated with him in that country conspired against him. It was like hell for him. But of course there are few he can still trust. But just imagine the terror he got from trusting all those people that turned out to be his enemies all along. Even his lawyer can’t be trusted. That is why he found home here in the Philippines.
Now that he’s building a new business, I’m hoping that this time, there will be no traitors at all. I’m with him in everything he does. I believe in him. I just hope this company will be one of the biggest here in the Philippines. I’d be so proud I’m part of it.
I want to say thank you to our President Mr. Ronald Shane Flynn that he gave me opportunity to be one of his employee in this company. More Power and God Bless.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Why do People Making Bad Publicity?

We know that some of the people wants to publish bad publicity!!

It is just a nature? Or a Habit?

Although its true or not they enjoying to do such things..

But they dont know the effect of their publicity to the others..

I have read a collumn on the internet about to the owner of "GSBC"

It says that these person is scum, a thief, a liar, and so many more.

But they have an evidence to prove that these person is guilty to there accusation?? Or they trying to destroy this person because they jealous of the achievement it this person!!

So whats the point of making bad publicity if it is not true?
What is the purpose of this?
Is this a bad habit of people?

I can say to the owner of GSBC and its members.

Just continued of what is your goals.

Because some your making others proud..

Youre giving Job to the Filipino community..

More power and God Bless....